Thursday, January 12, 2012

Chester Streets, Change you Mindset,pt2

I remember sitting in the back of the Sherriff van on my way to Broad Metals prison I was on the van with all types of people from rapist to junkies and every other type you can imagine as the van made it's way over the hill pass several corn fields the driver looked back at me and said you see that? I looked ahead and saw a castle like structure hising from behind the tall corn stalks, I gasped to for air, this is a long way from the dirty back alleyways in Chester, but scared I was not. The driver continued to say that this place would surely straighten me up and make me walk the straight path in life, I commented back I got money I will be home soon, sure that bail wasnt an issue We slowly inched closer to the tall prison gates as dogs ran around and barked loudly at the van, once through the gates we saw prisoners dressed in drown uniforms tending to the land surrounding the prison as a guard stool close by with a shotgun in hand, it looked like a modern day chain gang to me, but still I wasn't scared and didn't plan on getting scared anytime soon after all I come from a neighborhood where there are more black men in prison then in school so I hear the stories and was prepared for the reality, well little did I know that reality was about to hit. The van entered a secure area locked inside of 4 20 foot barbed wired electric fences just incase anybodt thought about running, which was almost impossible being that our hands were cuffed behind us and our feet were chained together, The driver got out of the van and put his gun into a safebox when 2 military type jeeps pulled up with 4 guards and 2 k9 dogs that barked like we were dinner, the k9 officers yelled and screamed at us telling us to move faster and faster, but I guess I wasn't moving fast enough with my arragant faces and actions, so the guard took the back end of his shot gun and hit me full force in the stomache sending me to my knees, The van driver quickly asked me if I was scared yet as I tried to get back to my feet the guard was about to take a second swing as one of the prisoners on the van pulled me to my feet and said I got him. (I didnt know that all could happen I never saw this happen on scared straight) But this was the real deal, Once inside I was processed and fingerprinted and woke up at 3am to get shots from some bootleg nurse then sprayed down with crab and life medicine with a hose. Once I returned to my cell my cell mate a 6ft 7 380 pound black man from Alabama name Sam asked me what I was there for, I told him I didnt want to talk about my case, I dont know you like that, But he didnt care what I was saying so he asked me how old I was and I told him 16, it seemed that my age angered him he stood up and said 16, why are you here youngin? I was like ohhh shit, here we go, a little scared but ready to fight, but Sam looked like the black dude from the Green Mile and I looked at the time like Chris from "Everybody Hates Chris". Sam went on to say that I should never have made it there to an adult prison and how they are trying to fuck up my life and make an example out of me, he went on to talk about civil rights and Martin Luther King, but I was only half listening and more watching that this nut dont try and kill me, so after an hour of him preaching to me I asked him why was he so concernedabout me, He said bacause he was me just an older version now, I said what makes you me? Sam told me that he was in and out of the prison system and that he's been in it since age 13 and at this point in his life he had did more then 13 years in jail off and on, Now that got my attention! im like how could you be in jail that much this dude must be a King Pin down south, because all my dumb ass thought about was drugs and money, so i asked him about how much weight he got caught with, MAN DID HE LOSE IT! he came at me like a raging bull and I jumped to my feet, he yelled how drugs kill our people, and how he treid to save us and that drug dealers were devils and they should all die bacause we kill so many, he yelled so much that the guards came to our cell, but when they saw he was yelling at me they said YALL BOYS PLAY NICE and walked away, inside I was like HELP! but outside I was cool as they come, but Sam began to calm down and bgan to get back to his story of how he and I had some things in common, one being we were both young and put into a rough adult prison and that we were both natural born leaders, Im looking at him like dude you dont know me, and im wondering why am I in this cell. But I would never buckle im still EASTSIDE TIL I DIE and with that code comes HEART and I have plenty of it, Sam told me sit down and listen to him for 10 minutes and maybe he can change my life, so I sat down and listened, He told me that he was in on a MURDER charge, WTF!!!! they got me caged with a KILLER at the age of 16 but im from the EASTSIDE everybody is a killer let them tell it, he said he was arrested on 8 counts of murder and that he had more bodies that they never found OHHHHH shit he's a Serial Killer I know im not going to sleep now. but from the way he was talking I kind of got the feeling that he wouldnt hurt me, and I was right, you see Sam had from what he said more then 20 murders but he only killed woman, now Im thinking ok this dude is GAY why would you only kill woman, but his story was that his father was killed down south by some KKK members because he had slept with a white girl I looked at him and said man the KLAN dont exist nomore that was back in the day, he said oh yeah, what about the guards here , what about the K9 officer that hit you with the gun, you think because they dont wear sheets that they dont exist they just blend in a lot better now then before, He said they came to his house and killed his father in front of the family and he watched his dad take his last breath on their kitchen floor, He said how his father was his lifeline and that when he lost him, he lost life, now I can see where we were simular I didnt lose my dad to the Klan but he wasn't in my life and I was bitter because of that so I ran the streets. Sam siad from that point in his life he hated white people and everything they represented so he began to kill the ones who created them, the woman . He said he strangled some and stabbed others and that he had bodies from Florida all the way to Chester PA. ..ok I know im not going to sleep now!! He said that he got caught for the body of a nurse from Crozer I believe he said, he said she was walking to her car as he approched her from behind and sliced her up and stealing her car nowmind you this happened a few years back and I heard the story and he was already convicted on several other bodies but was sent back down to this prison to go to court for the nurse at Crozer, but my question again is WHY AM I IN THIS CELL? ...he ended the story with saying that he realized that he was wrong for all he did and he admitted to all the wrong he done and that he was sentenced to death on one count of murder and he wish he could take it all back, almost in tears He looked at me and said I cant take mine back but you can, you can stop the poison in your neighborhood because you are a leader, you can create business and become a superstar and just help people because of who you are, AGAIN IM LIKE YOU DONT KNOW ME! but he knew something and he was deep and even though I know he was a crazy killer he started to put me at ease with his words they were almost like Gospel to me. That morning the gate kicked and they came to the cell to get Sam to take him to court I knew that once he came back I would be on the BLOCK where I would be housed until I got bail or went to court, so he said to me remember what I said and more then that rememeber who you are, and he walked out the cell never to be seen again, But the Guard looked at me laughing and handed me a news paper and on the front cover was SAm with a huge article "SERIAL KILLER" faces death penalty. I know he was a killer, but Sam is one of the ones who saved my life...Stay tuned to pt3

Monday, January 9, 2012

CHESTER STREETS! Change your mindset, change your life. PT1

In life most people get sucked into things we see, eat, feel, touch and surround ourself with. I was one who grew up in a small city by the name of "CHESTER", and to most residents Chester isn't that bad of a city unless your an outsider looking in. When I travel around and I say that I'm from Chester, the response I get is mostly negative followed by a series of questions about murder, drugs and crime. I was one who was trapped by all of the above until I changed my mindset. I was one who always said how I rep my city to the fullest, "EASTSIDE TIL I DIE", is what I said, and yes it almost killed me. I went to jail for the eastside, I shot people on the eastside, I got shot by people on the eastside. The one thing that the streets forgot to tell me is that there is no loyalty no matter how loyal you are. I was one of the founders of the E.S.S (East Side Syndicate), a small group of neighborhood guys who wanted to see people from their hood make money without killing each other doing it, but little did I know that the police wouldn't care whether we were stopping murders and crime in our hood we still were pushing weed, and white girl, and that was still illegal and now we put rules to it. It was now called organized crime and our profits grew along with our cars, houses and lifestyles. I owned several cars at this time, one being a custom Mustang 5.0 (drop top fully kitted rimmed up with a system that could be heard for blocks), back then I thought I was smarter then the cops so I didn't buy it new. I brought an old one and spent $30,000 to make it new (BOY WAS I A DUMMY). I was taking Vegas trips and chilling on South Beach at the age of 15. I was one of the first teens in the history to be put under a FEDERAL watch in Chester and they brought in the NATIONAL GUARD to arrest me and put a stop to our operation. As a result of this at age 16 I was certified as an adult and sent to Delaware County prison on possession with intent, violation of the reco act, and organized crime...all because I wanted to see my people eat without killing each other. PT2 COMING TOMORROW! The change was being made.

Devon Superdev Starshooterz